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Scalp Micropigmentation

Is Scalp Micropigmentation Compatible With Long Hair?

Is Scalp Micropigmentation Compatible With Long Hair?

It’s a well-known fact that scalp micropigmentation (SMP) was originally designed for treating baldness. People with short hair are generally the perfect candidates for SMP because the treatment mimics the appearance of stubble for that clean, buzz-cut look. But what you need to know is that you don’t have to experience that radical of a hair loss to reap the benefits of scalp micropigmentation. Like most people, you’ve probably wondered if SMP is compatible with long hair and the answer is a resounding yes.

While SMP is recommended for most hair loss problems, it’s not a perfect fit for everyone. When talking about SMP for long hair, it all comes down to your current hair loss situation. So, who are the possible candidates for this type of scalp micropigmentation treatment? This article will cover everything you need to know on how SMP works with long-haired individuals.

Clients with long hair that are perfect for SMP

The goal of scalp micropigmentation with long hair is to conceal the thinning areas and bring back that full, thick head of hair. The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on the skill of the technician and the degree of your hair loss. We found that people who are suffering from these hair loss problems are the most likely to benefit from SMP whilst maintaining their long hairstyles

 1.Women with female pattern baldness and dispersed hair thinning

Women who experience female pattern baldness and overall diffuse thinning are perfect for scalp micropigmentation. Provided that they have sufficient hair density and volume, SMP can help conceal the thinning areas and make it virtually undetectable. This is achieved by closely matching the pigment with your hair colour and scalp and filling in between the thinning areas. Another benefit of this procedure is that your hairline remains intact regardless of how long or short your hair is.

 2. Men with limited diffuse thinning

Most men are familiar with diffuse thinning which is the shedding of hair across the scalp. Because the thinning isn’t as drastic as alopecia, men with long hair can undergo SMP without having to shave their scalp. The treatment can also benefit those with receding hairlines so long as they have reasonable hair density in those areas. Some men suffer from limited diffuse thinning while others experience thinning across the entire scalp. The good news is that scalp micropigmentation can cater to both types of hair loss and enable the client to keep their long hair.

 3, People with alopecia areata

Unlike androgenetic alopecia which is a permanent type of hair loss, alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease where it attacks the patient’s hair follicles, thus causing round hair loss patches across the scalp. While this may sound alarming, the good news is that the hair regrows in around 12 months. This hair regrowth creates stubbles of hair follicles inside the patch and enables scalp micropigmentation to conceal the bald spot. The SMP technician camouflages the patches by matching the treatment with the client’s hair colour. It doesn’t affect the hair follicles and the treatment will look better as the hair starts to grow back.

Frequently asked questions about SMP for long hair

You probably have a few questions of your own regarding scalp micropigmentation for long hair. To make things clear for potential clients out there, here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about SMP:

  • Do I need to shave my head? – No, you don’t need to shave your head for scalp micropigmentation. The process is as simple as filling in between the thinning areas to achieve that fuller, thicker-looking hair. The treatment is tailored according to your specific hair loss which is then executed by an experienced SMP technician.

  • Does scalp micropigmentation damage hair follicles? – This is a major concern for SMP clients, particularly those who suffer from alopecia areata. Thankfully, scalp micropigmentation does little to no harm in existing hair. SMP is similar to tattooing and the pigments themselves present no side effects to hair follicles. You can expect hair regrowth to be as normal as possible when you undergo scalp micropigmentation.

  • Are the end results natural-looking? Yes. Scalp micropigmentation provides realistic, life-changing results to people who suffer from different types of hair loss. When done correctly, the treatment looks indiscernible to the naked eye. It takes skill, experience, and expertise to blend the pigments perfectly with your existing hair colour which is why you should only consult a reputable SMP clinic to achieve the best results.

The beauty of scalp micropigmentation is that it’s a highly customisable procedure. No matter the length and colour of your hair, a skilled technician can effectively conceal the thinning spots in your scalp. If you find yourself suffering from these hair loss problems and you want a permanent solution to fix it, then SMP could be the perfect solution for you. Contact Luxe Micro today and let us help you with your hair loss concerns.

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